Project Brief
Allan Gray, Africa’s largest privately owned investment management company focused on generating long-term wealth for investors required a new application within their existing website which would allow individuals to calculate their predefined retirement annuity should they decide to withdraw or allow their investment to remain – Preservation Calculator.
As we are existing Optimizely technical partners, we augmented their internal teams to deliver the new requirements.

Key Features
- React front-end implemented with their existing Optimizely CMS
- The workflow app calculator will calculate an individuals tax withdrawal amounts based on specific parameters
- An adjustable calculator that can show how much your tax amount will be based on the adjustable withdrawal amount
- Ability to calculate predefined retirement annuity
- API integration with CMS to provide for data upkeep via CMS
The Result
Bluegrass developed a mini JavaScript app within in the existing Allan Gray website which allowed individuals to calculate their predefined retirement annuity should they decide to with withdraw it or have it remain invested at Allan Gray. The new application provides for an intuitive and user-friendly user experience.